Shoulder Research

Shoulder disorders are the second-most common musculoskeletal complaint in many populations. Our lab seeks to understand the underlying mechanisms of common shoulder dysfunction, extend the scientific basis for improving diagnosis and treatment, test intervention effectiveness, and develop preventative programs. Our focus is predominately applied, translational human subjects testing, but it also incorporates cadaveric and outcomes investigations.

Research Highlights


Our single plane and biplane fluoroscopy systems give us the ability to assess in vivo, dynamic joint motion. We use fluoroscopic imaging in many of our research studies as well as in clinical assessment of shoulder motion.



We create subject-specific bone models from CT or MRIs to assess bone proximities during simulated motion.

We also create finite element models to analyze tissue properties with movement and loading conditions.

Movement Analysis

We use motion capture and electromyography, in addition to fluoroscopy and modeling, to evaluate shoulder motion and validate clinical techniques.